Friday, October 3, 2008

YouTube dynamic compression/audio distortion problem pains many

YouTube dynamic compression/audio distortion problem pains many

It almost sounds like a sad infomercial: Do your uploaded YouTube videos sound like rancid cat piss? It's not just you! (Read more for comparison videos.) In recent weeks, an increasing number of people have noticed YouTube squashing the heck out of volumes, distorting louder passages, and quite frankly, buggering their videos to heck. While thought to be a new problem, my avid reader, you've noticed that I observed this back in April 2008! And lets not forget the sucky customer service,


Probability Control/ Luck, Psionics(Mental Powers), Shape shifting, Super Human Intellect/Deduction, Super Speed, Superhuman Physical Ability, Tantric Yoga , Weather Control, Zapping (eye beams, sonic scream, etc) Read the rest here: Tsubashiku

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